An excerpt of a Guardian article reprinted in FierceHealthcare today entitled 5 steps healthcare leaders can take to nurture innovation highlighted as its fifth step a feature of leadership we applaud because, well, it’s what we do. In the article, Dr. Peter Thomond shares that “deep data about the experiences and expectations of your service users” should be used to transform the patient experience.
While we couldn’t agree more that answers do lie in “patient, family and public insight,” we somewhat take exception with Dr. Thomond when he writes, “You’ve probably captured the insight, now it’s time to use it.” Unfortunately not every healthcare organization has on staff people with the expertise or the appropriate data to make these transformative changes. It takes someone with the ability to read between the lines and discern from the patient’s perceptions what actions and resources will create meaningful change.
Our healthcare mystery shopping clients use a focused approach to control what they want to know by drilling down to uncover the who, what, and why of a particular issue. For instance, is the system’s registration process causing patients to go elsewhere, resulting in lost revenue? What other form of patient research can answer that question? Certainly nothing generated internally.
While clients may use other data such as patient satisfaction surveys or financial information to identify and track trends, they look to healthcare mystery shopping to test and validate the reasons for those trends. We believe healthcare mystery shopping is the ultimate in “deep data.”
Give Brooke a call today at 317-546-0970 to discover how you can benefit from DEEP DATA.